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Pet Rescue Saga : Level 2319

Tips for Level 2319
There are limited moves in this Level so it means planning each move carefully
First, open up just one column on the left
Drop a line blaster so it is level with the row of blocks on the bricks
Wait until the line blaster faces the row then blast them away to make a path for your Pets
Now, build up your in game rocket booster by making matches (being careful not to open up more of the board)
Use the rocket in the final column to drop your Pet down
Next you'll need to slide your Pet to the left
Do this with the line blasters, bombs or just matches
Keep all the vines in place so there will be less blocks between the Pet and the exit
Get the Pet across and down, then do the same for the remaining Pets
The main thing to note is not to remove any more vines than necessary so your Pet has a quick, easy path out!