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Pet Rescue Saga : Level 2228

Tips for Level 2228
Start by rescuing one Pet, on either side.
When you drop the Pet on the right a locked block will also fall
Get the Pet and block to the bottom of the column so the Pet can use this to move to the left
Do the same in the next column and move the Pet all the way over and down to be saved
Now move to the other Pet
Two Pets can be on the board at a time, so when you remove some blocks, another will also fall in this column
When ever a new Pet is due to fall only remove blocks from one side, then they can be easily rescued in pairs
To chose which color to remove with your balloon, look to the column just left of the Pets
Generally the color at the top of this column is the single color it will turn into (note it usually happens, but not always)
So the color to remove is not the one at the top, but the other.